Cybersecurity vs Information Security: Understanding the Difference and Connection

In today’s digital age, securing data is more critical than ever. But when terms like cybersecurity and information security are thrown around, they can sound like the same thing. Are they? Not quite. While both aim to protect information, their focus and approach differ. Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to understand […]

Cybersecurity vs Information Security: Dua Hal yang Beda Tapi Sama Pentingnya!

Di dunia serba digital sekarang ini, keamanan data adalah hal yang super penting. Pernah nggak sih kamu dengar istilah cybersecurity dan information security terus bingung bedanya apa? Tenang, kamu nggak sendiri. Meski mirip, keduanya punya fokus yang beda banget, tapi sama-sama penting untuk melindungi data kita dari ancaman digital alias digital threats yang makin banyak […]

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