You Won’t Believe How Many Fall for Fake Websites, Apps, and Emails
Do you agree that the internet is like a wild jungle? As young folks, our lives revolve almost entirely around the internet, from scrolling through social media, shopping online, reading news, to handling work. Sometimes, when we’re searching for information in a web browser, we encounter links that lead us to fake sites or suddenly […]
Kamu Korban Situs, Aplikasi, dan Email Palsu? Sini Merapat!
Setuju gak sih kalau internet itu kayak hutan belantara? Sebagai kawula muda, kehidupan kita tuh berputar nyaris serba internetan, mulai dari scrolling medsos, belanja online, baca berita, sampai urusan kerjaan. Kadangkala, ketika kita lagi cari informasi di web browser, suka ada aja link yang ngarahin kita ke situs palsu atau tiba-tiba muncul ads alias iklan, […]
Beware of the Click: How ‘I Agree’ Can Expose Your Data
Have you ever mindlessly clicked “I Agree” or “I Allow” without reading the fine print? Be careful, this habit can lead to your personal data being leaked! Let’s dive into why careless clicking can be dangerous and how to avoid it. What is Phishing? Phishing is like a sneaky trap set to steal your personal […]
VPN Gratisan: If It’s Free, Then It’s Sus
Di antara kalian ada yang suka pakai VPN gak? Buat yang belum tahu, VPN atau Virtual Private Network itu alat yang bisa bantu kita jaga privasi dan keamanan saat browsing internet. Fungsinya banyak, mulai dari menyembunyikan alamat IP kita, enkripsi data yang dikirim, sampai bypass pembatasan geografis buat akses konten yang diblokir. Biasanya, di Indonesia, […]
Wi-Fi Gratis: Nyaman Tapi Berbahaya? Lindungi Dirimu!

Kita semua suka pakai Wi-Fi gratis. Lagi ngopi di kafe, nunggu di bandara, atau santai di hotel, nyambung ke Wi-Fi gratis bisa banget menghemat kuota. Tapi hati-hati, pakai jaringan ini bisa bikin kamu kena risiko keamanan siber yang serius. Yuk, kita bahas ancaman-ancaman yang umum dan gimana cara melindungi diri kamu. 1. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks […]
Free Public Wi-Fi: Convenience or Cyber Trap? Protect Yourself!

We all love the convenience of free public Wi-Fi. Whether you’re chilling at a coffee shop, waiting at the airport, or hanging out at a hotel, hopping onto a free Wi-Fi network can save your data. But beware, using these networks can put you at serious cybersecurity risks. Let’s break down the common threats and […]
Rising Cyber Threats in Indonesia: Understanding the Top 5 Common Attacks
A recent report from Indonesia’s National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) reveals a dramatic rise in cyber attacks. According to BSSN official Nur Achmadi Salmawan, the agency recorded 361 million traffic anomalies, which are considered cyber attacks, from January 1 to October 26, 2023. These incidents underscore the urgent need to strengthen cybersecurity frameworks and […]