Social Engineering on Dating Apps: Are You Swiping Towards a Scam?

Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and others have made it super easy to meet all kinds of folks, looking for everything from new friends to potentially life partners, right from our screens. While they’re great for bridging us to our next “the one,” there’s a darker side that we can’t just scroll past. The world […]

Social Engineering di Dating Apps: Swipe, Swipe, Kena Scam

Halo Bertahans! Aplikasi kencan kayak Tinder, Bumble, atau lainnya memang bikin kita gampang kenalan dengan berbagai orang, mencari teman baru atau mungkin pasangan hidup lewat layar HP udah jadi hal yang lumrah. Tapi, selain jadi jembatan buat kita menemukan “the one,” sisi gelapnya juga nggak boleh diabaikan, lho. Dunia dating apps kayak Tinder atau Bumble […]

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